こちらは個人開発アプリができるまで by am10 Advent Calendar 2024の 21 日目の記事です。
21 日目は単体テストについてです。
以下の記事を参考に Swift Testing でテストを作成していきます。
今回テストするのは Models の部分になります。
- ExpenseLogAPI(HTTP リクエストを生成するやつ)
- Database(日付や項目で家計簿データをフィルターするやつ)
- ReceiptDataFormatter(読み取ったレシートの文字列を解析するやつ)
ExpenseLogAPI のテスト
ExpenseLogAPITests.swift ファイルを作成して下記のように実装します。
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import Testing @testable import ExpenseLog import Foundation struct ExpenseLogAPITests { @Test func fetch() { let year = "2024" let month = "12" let api = ExpenseLogAPI.fetch(year: year, month: month) #expect(api.httpMethod == .get) #expect(api.httpBody == nil) #expect(api.timeout == APIDefaultValue.timeout) #expect(api.accept == APIDefaultValue.accept) #expect(api.contentType == APIDefaultValue.contentType) let queryItems = api.queryItems #expect(queryItems.count == 2) #expect(queryItems["year"] as? String == year) #expect(queryItems["month"] as? String == month) } @Test func register() { let item = ResponseItem(id: "1", date: Date(), name: "name", price: 100, category: 1, categorySub: 1) let api = ExpenseLogAPI.register(items: [item]) #expect(api.httpMethod == .post) #expect(api.timeout == APIDefaultValue.timeout) #expect(api.accept == APIDefaultValue.accept) #expect(api.contentType == APIDefaultValue.contentType) #expect(api.queryItems.isEmpty) let parameters = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: api.httpBody!, options: []) as? [[String: Any]] #expect(parameters?.count == 1) let parameter = parameters?.first #expect(parameter?.count == 6) #expect(parameter?["id"] as? String == item.id) #expect(parameter?["date"] as? String == api.dateStrategyFormatter.string(from: item.date)) #expect(parameter?["name"] as? String == item.name) #expect(parameter?["price"] as? Int == item.price) #expect(parameter?["category"] as? Int == item.category) #expect(parameter?["categorySub"] as? Int == item.categorySub) } } |
ここでは家計簿データの取得・登録処理 API の値が想定通り設定されていることを確認しています。
Database のテスト
DatabaseTests.swift ファイルを作成して下記のように実装します。
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import Testing @testable import ExpenseLog import SwiftData import Foundation struct DatabaseTests { @MainActor @Test func fetchYear() { let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try! ModelContainer(for: Item.self, configurations: config) let context = container.mainContext let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) context.addItems([ .init(id: "0", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2023, month: 12, day: 31).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "1", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "2", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 6, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "3", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil) ]) let result = context.fetchItems(year: "2024", category: nil) #expect(result.count == 2) } @MainActor @Test func fetchYearAndCategory() { let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try! ModelContainer(for: Item.self, configurations: config) let context = container.mainContext let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) context.addItems([ .init(id: "0", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2023, month: 12, day: 31).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "1", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "2", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 6, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 1, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "3", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 7, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "4", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 8, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 1), .init(id: "5", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0) ]) let result = context.fetchItems(year: "2024", category: .food(nil)) #expect(result.count == 3) } @MainActor @Test func fetchMonth() { let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try! ModelContainer(for: Item.self, configurations: config) let context = container.mainContext let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) context.addItems([ .init(id: "0", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2023, month: 12, day: 31).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "1", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "2", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 6, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 1, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "3", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 7, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "4", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 8, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 1), .init(id: "5", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "6", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "7", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "8", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 28).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), ]) let result = context.fetchItems(year: "2025", month: "2", category: nil) #expect(result.count == 3) } @MainActor @Test func fetchMonthAndCategory() { let config = ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true) let container = try! ModelContainer(for: Item.self, configurations: config) let context = container.mainContext let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) context.addItems([ .init(id: "0", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2023, month: 12, day: 31).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "1", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "2", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 6, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 1, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "3", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 7, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "4", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2024, month: 8, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 1), .init(id: "5", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 1, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "6", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 1).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "7", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 8).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 1, categorySub: nil), .init(id: "8", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 12).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 1, categorySub: 0), .init(id: "9", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 15).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 1), .init(id: "10", date: DateComponents(calendar: calendar, year: 2025, month: 2, day: 28).date!, name: "", price: 0, category: 0, categorySub: 2), ]) let result = context.fetchItems(year: "2025", month: "2", category: .food(nil)) #expect(result.count == 3) } } |
ここでは年画面・月画面で表示するデータの抽出処理に問題ないか確認しています。失敗しやすそうな 2 月のデータを重点的にみています。
ReceiptDataFormatter のテスト
ReceiptDataFormatterTests.swift ファイルを作成して下記のように実装します。
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import Testing @testable import ExpenseLog struct ReceiptDataFormatterTests { @Test func formatForMandai() { let formatter = ReceiptDataFormatter() let name1 = "hoge" let name2 = "fuga" let price1 = 123 let price2 = 12345 let result = formatter.format([ "ソ#12 \(name1) ¥\(price1)", "ソ#10 \(name2) ¥12,345", ]) #expect(result.count == 2) #expect(result[0].name == name1) #expect(result[0].price == price1) #expect(result[1].name == name2) #expect(result[1].price == price2) } @Test func formatForKohnan() { let formatter = ReceiptDataFormatter() let name1 = "hoge" let name2 = "fuga" let price1 = 123 let price2 = 12345 let result = formatter.format([ "#015 JAN1234567890123", name1, "\(price1)内", "#012 JAN1231231290123", name2, "12,345内", ]) #expect(result.count == 2) #expect(result[0].name == name1) #expect(result[0].price == price1) #expect(result[1].name == name2) #expect(result[1].price == price2) } } |
ここでは 2 パターンの形式のレシートデータから品名と金額が取得できることを確認しています。
最後に cmd + U でテストを起動しコードカバレッジを確認します。公式ドキュメントに見方が書いてあります。
左の Navigator の一番右の「Show the Report navigator」をクリックすると見られます。
Although there is no “ideal code coverage number,” at Google we offer the general guidelines of 60% as “acceptable”, 75% as “commendable” and 90% as “exemplary.”
60% が許容範囲のようですがまあ今回はいいでしょう。